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Wellness Newsletter – March 2023



Increasing Your Nutrient Absorption With Food Pairings

March is recognized as National Nutrition Month, making it a great time to evaluate the food and beverages you’re putting into your body. Did you know that some nutrients aren’t optimally absorbed if you eat them on their own? Instead, they need to be paired with other nutrients for your body to get the most value out of them. Fortunately, that’s as simple as eating certain food combinations together.

Understanding Kidney Health

One in 3 U.S. adults is at risk for kidney disease, but most don’t even know it. Since March is National Kidney Month, it’s the perfect time to take charge of your health to lower your chances of developing kidney disease. Your kidneys filter your blood to remove waste and extra water to create urine. They also make vital hormones that produce red blood cells, promote bone health and regulate blood pressure.

Are You Getting Enough Water?

To prevent dehydration, you need to consume adequate amounts of fluid. Dehydration can increase your risk of illnesses and cause health problems, such as fatigue and muscle weakness. Men should get about 3.7 liters (15 1⁄2 cups) of fluids each day, and women need about 2.7 liters (11 1⁄2 cups). Remember that the water content of the foods you eat counts as well.

Featured Recipe: Red Beans & Rice

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