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Wellness Newsletter – June 2023



Safety Tips for Exercising Outdoors

As we move into summer, many will want to exercise outdoors to stay active and get some fresh air. That’s great news, as health experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. Also, moving your workout outdoors can boost your mood and improve your concentration.

How Nutrition Impacts the Brain

Nutrition plays a critical role in brain function, as the brain is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. The brain requires a constant supply of nutrients to maintain its structural and functional integrity, and a deficiency in any of these nutrients can significantly impact brain health.

Health Benefits of Gardening

As we enter the growing season, gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors—and get some exercise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention counts activities like raking and cutting grass as light to moderate exercise—while shoveling, digging and chopping wood are considered vigorous exercises.

Featured Recipe: Overnight Oatmeal with Berries

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