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Wellness Newsletter- May 2022


Elevating Your Psychological Resiliency

Psychological resilience refers to the ability to mentally withstand or adapt to uncertainty and adversity. Building resilience to life’s inevitable changes and challenges can help you cope with and manage stressors. Resilience can also help protect you from various mental health symptoms. As the pandemic rolls into year three, health care professionals are noticing stress and anxiety developing into greater mental health concerns. Mental Health Awareness Month, observed annually in May, is a great time to check in on your feelings and thoughts.

Protecting Your Vision

If your eyes feel healthy, it’s easy to assume they are healthy. However, many eye diseases don’t have warning signs. Additionally, your risk for some eye diseases increases with age. Fortunately, early detection and timely treatment can be successful and cost-effective in the long run.

Spring Clean Your Routine

Spring isn’t just for cleaning out your closet. It’s also a great time to refresh your mind and body. It’s important to check in on yourself regularly; a routine refresh can help you avoid illness, reduce stress and feel in control.


Featured Recipe: Rainbow Bell Pepper Boats with Garbanzo Beans and Kale


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English: May 2022 Live Well Work Well Newsletter

Español: May 2022 SPA Live Well Work Well Newsletter