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Wellness Newsletter- February 2022


Reducing Your Stress During American Heart Month

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, half of all Americans are currently considered “at risk” for heart disease, and that figure continues to rise. Due to the prevalence of the disease, February is recognized as American Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and prevention. To celebrate, you can focus on dialing down your stress level.

Benefits of Reducing Your Alcohol Intake

Excessive alcohol use is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults every year, according to the CDC. Excessive alcohol consumption has immediate effects that increase risks associated with injuries, motor vehicle crashes and alcohol poisoning. It can also cause serious long-term health problems like liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, depression and cancer.

Should You Take Daily Aspirin for Your Heart?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently changed its guidance on aspirin use, stating that most adults do not need to take aspirin to prevent first heart attacks or strokes. This change to a long-standing recommendation is based on new evidence that the potential harms of aspirin—including major bleeding— cancel out the benefits.


Featured Recipe: Whole Grain Strawberry Pancakes


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Español: February 2022 SPA Live Well Work Well Newsletter